First meeting after two years Feel the power of "Iwanami Sake Brewery" in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture on the tip of your tongue!

岩波酒造様の表玄関 岩波酒造様の樽 岩波酒造様の仕込みタンク 岩波酒造様 美禄 岩波のボトル画像 佐田杜氏の前での試飲風景

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you?

This time, the memorable " The 60th installment of YouTube Takamin Archives Video However, as I introduced, the theme I picked up was the underlying strength of the Iwanami brand of sake brewed by the treasured sake brewery Iwanami Sake Brewery Joint Stock Company in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, which I visited for the first time the other day. I was able to show off the collection from Takamin's unique point of view.

Starting with the texture of silk strainer, followed by the faint richness of the brewer's rice, combined with the high-quality water of Nagano Matsumoto's nature, Takamin has drunk so far. I was able to meet a rare and valuable treasured sake.

It goes without saying that the first meeting over the past two years with Mr. Sada, the chief brewer, and the people of Iwanami Sake Brewery, who turned out to be born in the same year on the day of the visit, was a truly precious and meaningful occasion for Takamin. is not.

I would like to continue to cherish this relationship that was ultimately unbroken even in the face of the corona crisis.

Takami Liquor Store, treasured sake

Shopkeeper: Takami Hiroyuki

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